In an earlier Healing and Meditation session we looked at the 'Science of Sound' and experiments conducted by Masaru Emoto, a pseudoscientist. During last night's session we conducted our own group experiment with outstanding results!
Our onsite resident scientist Dr. Mariko Howard-Kishi, validated the powerful truth that everything is energy, and that energy never dies, it can only ever be transmuted. So, as a group we began to transmute the energy of fear through sound, or to put it another way, we changed our emotional state through changing our words.
We experimented with using angry and negative words and witnessed firsthand the impact they had on us mentally and emotionally. Through our powerful experiment, we also had the opportunity to observe and experience the impact on our environment. It's similar to entering a room where the statement 'you could cut the atmosphere with a knife' applies.
We experienced intense responses to the experiment, and it didn't take long for the theory to be demonstrated in practice. It became evident that angry or negative thoughts and words act as a poison, first affecting the speaker and then those targeted by the words.
The conclusion was evident: we should avoid speaking negatively or with anger. It has been shown that anger harms the body, causing a tangible physical effect on those who frequently experience it. But how can one stop being angry?
Having personally experienced the intensity, regret, and power that accompany anger, I understand how challenging it can be to stop being angry. Despite promising yourself that next time will be different, it never is; anger is always followed by deep regret and empty promises to yourself and others that you will stop being angry.
So, if you are angry, speak with anger or negatively to yourself or others, why not pop along for your free wellbeing assessment to see how we can support you to move from anger and negativity to joy and ease.
With love Mary x