Have you evern seen Masaru Emoto - Water Experiments?
Masaru Emoto was a pseudoscientist and businessman who published his findings claiming the molecular structure of water could be affected by human consciousness. He believed that water could react to positive thoughts and words and that polluted water could be cleaned through positive visualisation.
While some question his work, when we acknowledge that as much as 60% of our body consists of water, his theories become quite intriguing. I believe we all can agree that harsh and negative words direct at us affect our mental and emotional wellbeing, which of course in turn naturally determines our behaviours and actions.
While science is still uncovering the mechanisms behind sound and healing, recent studies show encouraging results. A review of 400 published scientific articles found strong evidence that music offers mental and physical health advantages, such as enhancing mood and alleviating stress.
At our weekly Healing and Meditation group we explore the 'Science of Sound' through mantras and meditations and their power to transform our lives. Where each person gets to become their own scientist and explore Emoto's theory for themselves.
If you would like to join the weekly group check out the Events and Services page 'Healing and Meditation Weekly Group'.